About Invest Some Money

Invest Some Money is packed with easy-to-understand tips and strategies that will help you make smart investment choices and build wealth for the long term.

We’ve launched our blog back in 2018 in order to explore ideas in investing. To build on and dig deeper than existing resources. Another one of Invest Some Money’s goals is to illustrate topics in-depth.

To explain why the subject at hand matters and how to apply the information. In addition to writing on investing topics, where applicable, tools (usually in the form of spreadsheets) will be provided. It is hoped that these tools will aid in understanding.

Editorial Guidelines and Principles

Invest Some Money has some “core values” that it attempts to adhere to when researching, dissecting, and conveying information.

There is a certain pressure as a blogger to produce content on a regular basis. Hopefully not at the expense of quality. If you ever feel that these core values are not being adhered to, please let me know on Twitter.

These core values are as follows:

Learn, apply, repeat

With many of these topics, I am learning as I write them. Teaching others helps me to gain a deeper understanding of the subject at hand.

It’s in my nature to dig deep into a subject and try to understand it completely – all in one sitting. However, I have to fight this urge because I think more can be gained from taking one or two steps beyond what I currently know – and then moving on to the next subject.

If a subject is truly important, the time to write about (and research) it again will come soon enough. At that time, I’ll build on what I learned previously and take another step or two into further detail.

This will ultimately allow me to cover more material.

Data to back up what I say

I try not to recycle the same old cliches everyone is spewing on the topic at hand. I want to provide you, the reader, with my best interpretation of what the facts are. This will often require the use of data and/or spreadsheets.

Learn from the bottom up, not the top down

I try to approach each subject without any preconceived notions. This is one of the benefits of learning right beside you. I’m not trying to just recycle the same information available elsewhere. I’m trying to get to the root of the issue.

Approaching subjects from the bottom-up means arriving at conclusions based on the culmination of the information at hand. This is what I aim to do.

Contrast this with approaching a subject with a narrative already in mind. Then looking at the information available and filtering it based on what supports that narrative. This is what I aim to avoid.

Limiting downside – optionality

I try not to give any advice to readers that I wouldn’t give myself. As a fan of Nicholas Nassim Taleb, I understand that if you can limit your downside and leave your upside unlimited, then success is likely to come sooner or later.

When I cover a topic, I try to approach it in this manner. Where applicable I attempt to convey what course of action would limit the reader’s downside and leave their upside unlimited.

(Try to) Avoid generalities

Most of the advice you get is probably generic. Something that someone heard before, thought sounded good and decided to regurgitate.

I’m guilty of doing the same thing, I’ll admit. It’s a shortcut that’s tempting to rely upon.

Often, though, this type of advice is so non-specific, so abstract, that it’s useless. What is useful is actionable, tangible, concrete advice that you can apply ASAP. That is what I strive to provide on Invest Some Money.


The term flexibility can be interpreted in a couple of different ways.

I strive to provide what the investment community in general, and my users, in particular, want and need.

Sure, I have an idea of what I think you should know. That’s rarely what you’re looking for, however. So, I try to stay flexible in the information I provide on this site. If there’s something I think you’re looking for, I’ll try to provide it in accordance with these principles.

Beyond that, I try to convey an attitude of flexibility in my content. I don’t think that an overly rigid mindset is ever appropriate. I’m a believer that you have to “go with the flow” most of the time. If there is ever an instance where you do need to stand firm and be uncompromising – you’ll know it with all your heart.

Most of the time though, I think investors (myself included) need to be willing to turn on a dime and try a completely different course of action if what they’re doing isn’t working.

The valuable information is in the extremes

Averages have their use. If you want to understand something, often you have to look at what happens to it when the variables are raised to their max, or lowered to their minimum.

Advice that’s authentic

I do a lot of research for every post I write. I make every effort to “know my stuff” before I publish a post.

However, I haven’t executed everything I write about in real-life. If I haven’t, I’ll let you know. It’s never my intent to imply that I am something I’m not. Or that I’ve done something I have not.

Also, when I write, I attempt to put myself in the shoes of the person reading the post. If an opinion must be offered, to make a post complete, I offer my true opinion. What I think I would do if I was in the reader’s shoes.

To complement my posts, I always (attempt to) follow up with experts to get their opinions on the subject. Experts who have actually performed the subject at-hand. The experts aren’t always available, though…

Make a model whenever I can

I think that models (particularly spreadsheets) are the best way to understand something without doing it. Actually experiencing something is always preferable. But, sometimes the risks are high and it makes sense to understand the situation as much as possible before starting.

Planning, in moderation, never hurt anyone.

Models in spreadsheets allow you to “tinker” with the variables. To live out hundreds of scenarios. To explore the extremes.

Errors in spreadsheets are less costly, less time-consuming, and less painful than errors in real life.

Get problems solved and done with

Problems have a way of compounding. Sometimes they solve themselves, but usually not.

Something done perfectly, but only halfway, rarely has the impact of something near-perfect, but done completely.

Of course, there are exceptions to every rule. It’s better to keep the train moving, so to speak than to dwell on and overthink every obstacle.

Use case studies whenever possible

Similar to modeling, I think it’s smart to study what others have done in similar circumstances. No need to reinvent the wheel.

Use their experience and build upon it. In turn, somebody can use our experience and build upon it in the future.

Find out what won’t work

Perhaps more important than finding what will work is finding what won’t work.

By avoiding what won’t work, we can limit our downside.

As much simplicity as possible

This might seem hypocritical. I know a lot of the subjects I cover seem complicated. Usually, though, they are rooted in fairly simple concepts.

I know I need improvement here. I have a tendency to overthink (and hence overcomplicate) situations.

Even so, it is my aim to explain a subject in the best possible way, while avoiding over-complication.

Our Team

We don’t use our real names on here. Not for lack of pride in the content, certainly. Rather, once you lose your privacy you can never get it back. So, for the time being, we’ll keep our real identity under wraps.

If somebody was really motivated, they could find out who we are, we’re sure.

Anyhow, I’m a guy in his 40’s living in the Midwest. I have a wonderful wife and two grown children.

I’ve worked in corporate finance for almost fifteen years. I have a bachelor’s in Finance and an MBA. I am also a Certified Management Accountant. At one time I had my securities license (Series 7) and Health and Life insurance licenses.

That’s all fine and good, I guess. I include that information for the benefit of the Google algorithm more than anything else.

What’s more important, is that I like to learn and always seek to truly understand the subject I am studying.

Social Media

You can follow Invest Some Money on: FacebookYoutube, Instagram and Twitter.

Work with Us

Are you passionate about investments and savvy with personal finance? We’re searching for freelance writers who can share their expertise and bring engaging, practical financial advice to our readers.

If you have insights on investment strategies, smart saving tips, or unique views on managing finances, we welcome your contributions. Interested contributors can reach us at: contact@investsomemoney.com.

Please note that we don’t consider unsolicited guest submissions, articles, blogs, infographics, or posts.

Contact Us

We always love to hear from our readers. For any feedback, advertising opportunities or press inquiries, please don’t hesitate to get in touch via email at contact@investsomemoney.com or using the contact form here.

If you prefer to give us a call or send a traditional letter, our address is 18 Somesului Street, Sibiu, 550003, Romania, and our phone number is +40 745 999 805.


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